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"If we want peace, we have to be peace.

Peace is a PRACTICE not a hope.”

- Thich Nhat Hanh


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Ink Painting   /  Calligraphy  / Brush Strokes  /  Meditative & Conscious Presence/ 
Connect Your Mind, Heart & Brush  /  
Painting Techniques  /   Tailor Your Own Brush Journey

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Finding a Deeper Meaning Through Your Brush

"Mind, Heart and your Hand will come to the connection through your Brush".

Hi, I'm Yingge Xu, an ink brush artist. I believe ink painting/ calligraphy is not only an art format, but also a way to get connected with yourself, to be present and to know yourself...

What People Say

"That’s what I love about your classes I feel I belong and can get lost in the art of it and not feel judged. I know I have found a space and a place I love and will love more as I progress. I feel It’s tapping into my soul so must let go of thinking …thanks for allowing this to happen for me …I really mean that Yingge"

-- Maria, Ireland

"The most important thing about the event for me was to regain peace, concentration and respect for the sacred from posture to breathing. In short, a loving and conscious attitude that allows a stroke that has three moments: The landing, the journey, and the takeoff. Like life itself! It was very moving for me in many ways. Infinite thanks!"

-- Fabiola, Venezuela

If You Would Like to Know More Information About Me or My Classes, Please Feel Free to Reach Out.
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