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We are all connected; We rely on each other

- a personal reflection on "where we are standing and where we are heading to ...

This has been on my mind and heart for a while, and I have been contemplating on them during my winter retreat. It was until I heard a friend of mine and his families were sick after the winter holidays. Luckly, they are all recovering and standing positively on their feet. It made me think. How often I perceive the life around me through my limited perspective and experience. Until things stumbed in front of the face I started to realise it's real, it affects everyone on this planet, including YOU and ME.

Life is precious. The fact that you are breathing, right now at where you are, is so precious that everything has to take form from here. So, please be gentle to yourself. We can only take care of others when we ourselves are in good shape.

We are all connected - yes, it's true. I'm not repeating the same old concept I believe you already know intellectually. No, It's true. Feel it. Feel it with your gentle heart. I have seen and heard people's opinions about the current situations and formed their philosophy about it. When we hold a view so tightly and believe it's the ONLY truth, we are denying the rights of others of their truth of their life experience; when we taking a side in a difficult situation, we are noting solving the problem, instead, creating a duality by forming an enemy; when we act from fear and suspicion, we close the gate and we feel lonely. It's time that we use this chance to look deeply and make a change. Seeing the other is no different than we are. We all want to be safe, we all want to be loved. We may choose different ways, as that's what we typically see from the surface, however, look deeply, the essence of the choice is no difference - we all want to be safe and protect our loved ones. Let's respect each other's decisions and beliefs and how they decide.

Here is a quote that resonate with my heart and I would love to share with you:

" ... We have to look deeply into the situation, and we will see the roots of war. We cannot just blame one side or the other. We have to transcend the tendency to take sides.
Peace work means, first of all, being peace. We rely on each other. Our children are relying on us in order for them to have a future... without being peace, we cannot do anything for peace. If we cannot smile, we cannot help other people smile. If we are not peaceful, then we cannot contribute to the peace movement."
-- Thich Nhat Han

I always trying to be aware that the current views that I have are not fixed and the absolute truth, and I'm more aware that we depend on each other to cultivate the collective wisdom. So, I would love to and humbly listen to, how's your experience? How's your feelings and what are you facing and how can we make it better?

With joy, love and peace


Peace work means, first of all, being peace. We rely on each other. Our children are relying on us in order for them to have a future... without being peace, we cannot do anything for peace. If we cannot smile, we cannot help other people smile. If we are not peaceful, then we cannot contribute to the peace movement."



Unknown member
Jan 21, 2022

Through this pandemic many people have discovered just what you are writing about here. The difficulties we have all faced have made us realise how precious life is and how much we all need each other to work for peace. We have been forced to stop and think about what comes next. Tenzin Palmo wrote: The purpose of life is to realise our spiritual nature, to go away and practice, to reap the fruits of the path, otherwise [we] have nothing to give to anyone else. 🙏

Unknown member
Jan 21, 2022
Replying to

Beautifully said Ashaley. The fast way and, perhalps the best way is to start from ourselves. If every one of us can just do this, there is nothing more need to be done.

With love and respect 🙏


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